Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday Practice Canceled

Were I a sixteen year old high school soccer player again, I'd jump at the chance to run in the rain. However, I'm not. Practice will be canceled tonight in favor of a warm living room and early bedtime.

Please stay tuned for a possible practice on Monday night, August 28th at 6pm. This is not definite, but it would be very nice for us to meet at least 1 more time before we play next week. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Team Picture Night 9/12 6pm.

Please have your picture orders ready for picture night. I intend to pick up the forms today and pass them out this week.

Game Schedule Update 8/22

Pearl Charge First Two Games
Our first match is 8/31 (Thursday) at 6pm at Hiawatha I. Click here for a map to Hiawatha field I but be advised that there is another "Hiawatha" park near Lake Hiawatha and I need to double check if this is the correct field.

Our 2nd match is on 9/9 (Sat) at 9:30am at Pearl Park field B1.

Evaluation Games
The first two matches are "evaluation" matches. Pearl Park has a process whereby they evaluate the teams to ensure the teams are roughly equal in skill levels. It prevents any one team from losing all their games and feeling defeated. There is a possibililty that some players may be shuffled between teams if it comes to light that a major imbalance exists on a particular team.

So Now we're a 10U team, what's different about game night?
When we were playing Girl's Squirt soccer, practice was before the game and we usually had a full team by the time the game started. Not so any longer. It will be important for your child to arrive at least 15 minutes (20 preferable) prior to a game time to allow her to warm up a bit. It is not easy for the kids to go from a standstill to 35 mph without some light warmup prior to that and we want to avoid injury. Thanks for your help.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Practice Location Change

The location of the practices for Wed and Thurs at 6-7pm is now PEARL PARK on the soccer field farthest away from Portland Ave. This change was necessary due to poor conditions on the Northrop school field.

I'm sorry for the last minute change. Please spread the word if you see others you know on the team.