A Time for All Things

There is a Time and a Season For All Things Under the Sun. . .
. . . a time for peace, a time for war,
. . .a time for work, a time for rest
. . . a time for soccer . . . and a time for pizza.
The bad news is that we don't always know the times for these other things, but the good news is,
we know exactly the time for pizza and the next game:
The last game is 10/16 @ 7pm. Sibley Field E. Check the link out in the margin for field locations.
The Pearl Charge Pizza Party is Wednesday 10/18 from 6-7:30pm at the Barnhill home (4709 17th Ave. S).
Click here for a map.
What Can You Do to Help for the Party
Well, I made the unwise offer to pay for the girl's pizza if I opened my mouth from the sidelines during today's game. So, I'll provide 3 Large pizzas for the team. I'm a goalkeeper and goalkeepers can't keep their mouth's shut, so I was destined for this pizza donation.
That said, we could use a 2-3 contributors each for: a 4th large pizza, a variety of drinks, some kind of dessert. No one has used this feature yet this season, but if you click on the "comment section" below to report what you'll bring, everyone else will be able to see what you've said you'd bring. Consider this option. Otherwise, Email Me at this Link.
Saturday's Hertz Car Rental Players of the Game Award: Today, congratulations go to Maggie Waters and Allie Bean for the following reasons. Today, the ball game came to Maggie's area a few times and when it did she stayed nice and calm. Instead of just kicking it as hard as she could, she got control of the ball and began dribbling up field, looking for a pass. Allie had two picture perfect throw-ins right down the line that were so perfect, they were like art-work. Great job girls
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